DNC Convention Coverage Day 3

Date: August 21, 2024 Host: Dalton Windsor ​Guests: Dr. Richard Schmidt & Tony Kinnett MP3 | Order

Dr. Richard Schmidt is pastor of Union Grove Baptist Church and founder of Prophecy Focus Ministries.  He is an author.  He spent 32 years in law enforcement including that of Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County until his retirement. 

Tony Kinnett is an investigative columnist with the Daily Signal and a former award-winning teacher and administrator.  He served in the area of education policy for the Governor Scott Walker administration and regularly appears on national news platforms.  He is also a radio host in Indianapolis.

Tony kicked things off with commentary from Chicago as he brought listeners a better picture as to what’s really occurring at the convention vs. what he referred to as social media hubbub.

He described how the perimeter was pierced and there’s been chaos at particular times and he’s not sure that it will calm down before the end of the week.  What surprised him the most is that the Chicago police aren’t coddling protesters, many of whom have been pro-Palestinian.  As of broadcast time, accurate arrest numbers were not available.

Tony described the convention as a pep rally whose strategy, “…is to amp up everyone in the Democratic base on good vibes and feelings while trying to portray a unity message as well as an outsider candidate message.”  Overall, between the two conventions he sees a far greater discipline on the Republican side and a far greater emotionalism on the Democrat side that hasn’t been targeted in a specific point of usefulness.     

Dr. Schmidt then followed with comments that focused on audio clips from Michelle Obama’s speech dealing with hope and unity.  In one clip she referred to the opposition as she mentioned the banning of books, in-vitro fertilization, shutting down the Department of Education, supposedly demonizing children for who they are and other points that as Dr. Schmidt noted simply didn’t communicate a unifying message.  As a contrast, he listed topics that should be addressed like energy independence, inflation and the war in Ukraine.  Instead, there’s silence on those issues.

There’s much more to hear, including input from callers nationwide.

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DNC Convention Coverage Day 2

Date: August 20, 2024 Host: Dalton Windsor ​Guests: Dr. Richard Schmidt & Randy Melchert MP3 | Order

Dr. Richard Schmidt is pastor of Union Grove Baptist Church and founder of Prophecy Focus Ministries.  He is an author.  He spent 32 years in law enforcement including that of Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County until his retirement. 

Randy Melchert is a school administrator, a researcher, a consultant and a member of the VCY America Board of Directors.

Last evening, Randy had the opportunity to attend the DNC and he was fascinated by what he saw and heard.  He noted how businesses near the United Center were boarded up for security reasons, the availability of prayer rooms (including a gender neutral prayer room) and the push toward no limits for elective abortion.     

He also talked about the following:

How Scripture was being used selectively. 

Debating policy vs. demonizing policy. 

President Biden spoke about ending hate but what about the violent language on the left that’s generated violence?

Street preachers getting the Gospel out in a hostile environment.

When Dr. Schmidt took the microphone he discussed the following:

Why he thinks President Biden’s speech was pushed past prime time. 

Hillary Clinton hinting at the idea that the Democrats are following the rule of law. 

V.P. candidate J.D. Vance and his comments about law enforcement while speaking in Kenosha, Wisconsin. 

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s comments concerning abortion and more.

The program wrapped up with comments from the listening audience.       

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DNC Convention Coverage Day 1

Date: August 19, 2024 Host: Dalton Windsor ​Guests: Dr. Richard Schmidt & Randy Melchert MP3 | Order

Dr. Richard Schmidt is pastor of Union Grove Baptist Church and founder of Prophecy Focus Ministries.  He is an author.  He spent 32 years in law enforcement including that of Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County until his retirement. 

Randy Melchert is a school administrator, a researcher, a consultant and a member of the VCY America Board of Directors. 

Randy began this preview day of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago by providing listeners with interesting historical information concerning political conventions over the past century plus.  

Next up was Dr. Schmidt who noted that, “…the DNC is looking to allegedly cause progress for America.”  This would be highlighted tonight by speakers such as President Biden, Jill Biden and Hillary Clinton.  

So exactly what do they mean by “progress”?  Dr. Schmidt indicated that the Democrats will lay out their agenda, things that will be in total contrast to what was seen at the Republican convention. So he believes a particular word will dominate the DNC and that is “socialism”.  

Since socialism features numerous entitlements and giveaways, Dr. Schmidt then asked, “Who’s going to pay for all this?  How big is the national debt going to be?  How much inflation is this going to potentially cause?”  Later in the broadcast, Randy explained from Scripture why the concept of socialism simply doesn’t work.

As you review this Crosstalk, you’ll hear Dr. Schmidt as he described some key items that he believes will come out that have recently changed concerning the opinion of Vice President Harris.  This includes fracking, her stand on border security, private health insurance and taxing of tips.  These are all part of the Harris platform, however, as Dr. Schmidt also asked, “Which platform is one that they believe is not only feasible, but sustainable.” 

Listeners were given an opportunity to express their thoughts on these and other points as well.  

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News Roundup & Comment

Date: August 16, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider MP3 | Order

Jim pulled numerous interesting stories from the stack that formed the news cycle this past week.  Here’s a sample:

–The Paris Olympic Games closed as they opened with viewers angry over anti-Christian, satanic themes in the event.  The closing ceremony was dedicated to the rebirth of Lucifer, the light bringer of enlightenment.

–Thomas Bach, the International Olympic Committee president, told reporters that there’s no scientifically solid method for distinguishing men from women. 

–Olympic Gold Medalist Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone credited her stellar athletic achievements to God following her record shattering 2024 Olympic win.

–Valentina Petrillo, a transgender male, has been approved to compete against women for the first time in the Paralympic Games.

–President Biden offered more insight into why he dropped out of the presidential race last Sunday during an interview with CBS News.

–The Kamala Harris campaign accused Elon Musk of trying to control democracy through the interview that took place Monday evening with Donald Trump.

–The Harris campaign has been caught editing the headlines of various outlets to appear in America’s Google searches as sponsored ads according to an Axios report.

–Days after Vice President Kamala Harris was named the Democratic presidential nominee, a July 2023 video clip of her advocating for reducing the population made its way through social media.  Jim provided audio from the clip. 

–Vice President Kamala Harris, in an attempt to attract voters in Pennsylvania, appear to be back-tracking on her previous desire for a ban on fracking.

–A recent Harris/Walz rally opened with words from an English teacher who openly bragged about bringing liberal social justice to the classroom.  Jim provided audio from the teacher’s speech.

–A Minnesota business owner, who watched helplessly as his St. Paul establishment was destroyed during the 2020 George Floyd riots, spoke to Fox News Digital about how the state, led by Governor Tim Walz, failed to protect business owners like him.

–Trump’s campaign headquarters, in Ashburn, Virginia, was burglarized on Sunday.

Health Emergency Declared & Current Healthcare Challenges

Date: August 15, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Twila Brase MP3 | Order

Twila Brase is president and co-founder of Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom, a national, patient-centered, privacy-focused, free-market policy organization to support health care choices, individualized patient care and medical and genetic privacy.  Twila is a certified public health nurse and author of the eight-time award-winning book, Big Brother in the Exam Room: The Dangerous Truth About Electronic Health Records.  She’s the speaker on the daily Health Freedom Minute broadcast heard on stations across the nation.

Yesterday the World Health Organization declared the outbreak of Monkeypox (Mpox) in Africa as a public health emergency of international concern.  This is based upon the increase in cases (more than 14,000 reported) and the number of deaths (about 524 reported) that have occurred.  The declaration was made in Geneva by Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, the Director General of the WHO.  It’s the highest level of alarm that can be conveyed by the WHO.  

Twila began by asking if such a declaration would have been made in the pre-COVID era.  She believes the WHO is playing rather loose with the idea of a global emergency.  For example, in contrast to the COVID pandemic, there are absolutely no reported cases of Mpox in the U.S. and it’s typically caught within the homosexual population so it has more limited reach.  So she feels that to call this a “global emergency of the highest kind” is perhaps an attempt to help them keep their power and presence in the news as they had during the COVID pandemic.

As this program unfolds you’ll hear about dangerous DEI practices in medicine, the shortage of doctors and nurses, the challenges of Medicare, Twila’s feelings about Governor Walz of Minnesota, her views on the two election tickets and how they view healthcare, as well as input from callers across America. 

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Tension Rising in the Middle East

Date: August 14, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Dr. Gary Frazier MP3 | Order

Israeli Defense Forces are on high alert over a possible attack from Iran due to the recent killing of Iran-related proxy group leaders.  Some speculate that this might only be hours or perhaps days away.  There’s concern that an attack could spark a greater regional war.  This has resulted in the U.S. deploying both increasing naval and air assets to the region to defend Israel in an attempt to hopefully deescalate tensions.

What might this signal in terms of Bible prophecy?  Returning to Crosstalk to answer that question was Dr. Gary Frazier.  Dr. Frazier is a respected speaker and writer on the subject of Bible prophecy.  He’s the founder and president of Discovery Missions.  He is the author of numerous books including: Miracle of Israel, It Could Happen Tomorrow, Hell is for Real, Divorcing God: The Two Americas and The Event: The Dream of World Peace Realized.

Gary explained that from the days of former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak to Israel today, we see that Islamic leaders have not changed their mind concerning the total annihilation of Israel and its people.  He also noted that there is no such thing as a political solution to a religious problem.  So why would anyone, especially the people in Washington, think that Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah would desire to enter into a negotiated agreement to establish peace, especially when under Islam it’s OK to lie, manipulate and use infidels to accomplish one’s goals? 

This is the foundation of this edition of Crosstalk that also discusses the following:

China has allegedly been goading Iran into attacking Israel.  What’s behind this?  

What influence might the U.S. be having on Israel concerning their response toward Iran?  

What is the Muslim “long game” strategy and how does it contrast with America’s materialist mindset.

Gary explains why the pre-tribulation rapture teaching is biblical, which was an answer to one of several calls from listeners nationwide.

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Pakistani Outreach Grows Under Persecution

Date: August 13, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Pastor Shahid Kaleem MP3 | Order

Pastor Shahid Kaleem is founder and chairman of Christian Literature & Translation Ministry in Pakistan.  He has been partnering for several years with Bible Tracts Inc. for effective ministry of Bible tract and Bible distribution ministry in Pakistan.

Pakistan is a nation that comes in at number 5 in terms of world population with just over 251 million.  Much persecution is taking place there against Christians because of their stand for the Gospel.  This is not surprising because according to Voice of the Martyrs, close to 98% of the population is Muslim while nearly 2% is Christian.  Yet while persecution abounds, Christianity is also on the rise.  

Listen to this broadcast and you’ll hear Pastor Kaleem as he describes incidents of persecution/violence that have taken place in Christian areas of Pakistan and how this parallels what happened to Stephen in Acts 6-7.  Also discussed is how the Israeli war against Hamas is affecting Christians in Pakistan, their constitution’s stand toward Christianity, people coming to Christ in spite of persecution, the need for a printing press for his tract ministry, Pastor Kaleem’s personal testimony and much more.

Prayerfully consider giving so that as many as possible can be reached with the Gospel in Pakistan.  

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Gifts can be sent to:

First Baptist Church

425 Rusche Street

Creve Coeur, IL 61610

Earmark the gift for “Pakistan Outreach”

Grace Schara Lawsuit Update

Date: August 12, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Scott Schara MP3 | Order

Scott Schara is the father of Grace Schara, the 19-year-old daughter with Down Syndrome who tested positive for COVID, was hospitalized and treated following the protocols carried out in hospitals across the country.  Grace was ushered into eternity on October 13, 2021.  Scott is presently engaged in a landmark lawsuit, Schara vs. Ascension Health et al.  He warns about the dangers of incentivized healthcare.  His work and story have been chronicled in a chapter of the Wall Street Journal bestseller, Rise of the Fourth Reich.

This broadcast is the 5th on this important topic since January 5th of 2022.  Scott gave a brief review of the details of Grace’s one-week stay in the hospital and the protocols that actually didn’t follow the standards that you hear about concerning COVID-19, which typically involve remdesivir and ventilators.

Scott then discusses the lawsuit which is based upon 5 claims: wrongful death, medical malpractice, lack of informed consent, medical battery and a declaratory judgment related to the illegal “do not resuscitate” order.  Scott also noted the illegal combination of medicines that Grace was given before her death (Precedex, lorazepam and morphine).

It would be helpful to hear the earlier programs dealing with this issue.  Go to crosstalkamerica.com.  At the top of the page click on “Crosstalk”, then “Program Recaps” and in the search box on the right side of the page type in “Grace Schara”. 

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News Roundup & SD Abortion Ballot Question

Date: August 9, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider MP3 | Order

Jim manned the microphone and presented listeners worldwide with many headlines to prayerfully consider.  Here’s a sample of what the broadcast had to offer:

–A CNN panel laughed and joked how they can now criticize Donald Trump concerning his age claiming he’s “diminished”.

–Congressman Jamie Raskin jumped upon his party’s wild claims that Donald Trump is an insurrectionist.  Now Raskin appears to be planning his own insurrection by having Congress deny Trump the presidency should he win in November. 

–The campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris has attempted to moderate her image on border security.  Her campaign chief suggested that she should keep in place a Biden era executive order cracking down on illegal border crossings.  This is in spite of the fact that as a Senator from California she actively opposed border enforcement proposals and immigration enforcement advocates. 

–Video from 2017 has surfaced on social media where Kamala Harris is encouraging everyone to “stay more woke than less woke”.

–The Harris campaign has altered it’s biography of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz on his campaign website, making a change in its reference to his military service amid ongoing scrutiny.

–Marine veteran and Republican vice presidential nominee Senator J.D. Vance hit Minnesota Governor Walz for lying about his military service claiming he carried guns in war.

–Kamala Harris is the first sitting vice president to visit a Planned Parenthood clinic but she was not alone.  Her newly chosen running mate, Tim Walz, was right there.

–Data from the Minnesota Department of Health shows that at least 8 babies that survived abortions in the state were left to die.

–Governor Tim Walz has earned the praise of left-wing Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.

–Moms across the country see Governor Walz as the most anti-parent running mate Kamala Harris could have chosen.

–The Democratic Socialists of America took a victory lap on social media after Vice President Kamala Harris named Tim Walz as her running mate. 

–Tim Walz instituted a program to bribe teens with $200 VISA cards to take the COVID-19 shot. He also offered them a chance to win a $100,000 scholarship.

The second quarter hour featured an interview with Dr. Patti Giebink, M.D., a board certified OB/GYN, a former abortion doctor, and the author of the book Unexpected Choice. A South Dakota native currently residing in Chamberlain, she has delivered hundreds of babies both domestically and in hospitals overseas. She’s a Fellow at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), and a member of the South Dakota State Medical Association.  Dr. Giebink talked about misinformation taking place in that state pertaining to Amendment G which will be coming up on their November ballot.

Global Pandemic Preparedness Summit

Date: August 8, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Alex Newman MP3 | Order

Alex Newman is an award-winning international freelance journalist, author, researcher, educator and consultant.  He is senior editor for The New American.  He’s co-author of Crimes of the Educators, author of Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes and author of, Indoctrinating Our Children to Death.  He’s also the founder of Liberty Sentinel.

Many breathed a sigh of relief when the World Health Assembly failed in their attempt to pass a pandemic treaty.  Crosstalk warned listeners that this failure would not deter efforts to bring the matter back.  More meetings were to come concerning the passing of a treaty as global leaders would come together and keep the topic of pandemics on the front burner.

So while families are on vacation this summer, the globalist agenda isn’t resting.  Just one week ago, July 29th and 30th, there was a Global Pandemic Preparedness Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  The meeting brought together experts from  manufacturing, research and development, government officials, civil society representatives and leaders from industry and the global health community.

The Pandemic Preparedness Summit was convened by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).  Alex described CEPI as one of the most important organizations you’ve never heard of.  The idea for this organization goes back to 2016 and was portrayed as a partnership between the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, a number of governments and the global health authorities at the World Health Organization.

Alex sees this organization as the most perfect representation that he’s seen of Klaus Schwab’s model for government.  Schwab has spoken openly about this new kind of governance and economic model.  It’s the stakeholder model that is void of free markets and limited government.  Instead you have business, government, the non-profit sector and elites all working together toward the same goals.  Alex sees CEPI as the epitome of this.  He described the goal this way: “It’s governments, industry, the elites behind the scenes all working together on a singular mission; in this case, too extort humanity for enormous amounts of money under the guise of providing, quote/unquote, vaccines and then to inject as many people as possible with what I believe are toxic concoctions masquerading as healthcare products.”   

All this appears to be preparation for the next pandemic…or is “plandemic” a better term?  You be the judge as you listen to this broadcast that also reviews the problems associated with mRNA-based “vaccines”, global surveillance systems and capabilities and so much more.  

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