COP28: Censorship, Taxes & Tyranny

Date: December 12, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Alex Newman MP3 | Order

Since November 30th, when you were wrapping up your Thanksgiving celebration time with family and friends and planning for Christmas, the United Nations Climate Change Conference was underway in the United Arab Emirates.  This was the 28th gathering of the Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, otherwise known as COP 28.  The guest on this Crosstalk has been in attendance and has summed up the totalitarian nature of this effort in just a few words: censorship, global taxes and tyranny.

Joining Jim to let listeners know what was being discussed and proposed was Alex Newman.  Alex is an award-winning international freelance journalist, author, researcher, educator and consultant.  He is senior editor for The New American.  He is co-author of Crimes of the Educators and author of Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes.  He is founder of Liberty Sentinel.

Jim described this conference as a who’s who of who wants to take totalitarian control over our world.  It included over 160 leaders including presidents, prime ministers and others at the highest levels of government, business and religion from around the world.  Most notably those not in attendance were President Joe Biden (VP Kamala Harris took his place), the Pope and China’s Xi Jinping.

With all the private jets flying in and out, Citizens for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) referred to this as the dirtiest climate conference ever.  As Jim noted, if they really believed their own message, wouldn’t they be using Zoom or Skype?  

Alex explained that the key point to understand is that the phase-down of fossil fuel (hydro-carbon energy) is only meant to apply to Western nations.  The Saudi’s, the Arab’s, the Chinese and others have no intention of reducing their fossil fuel consumption and have made that known.  Instead, Alex believes Western leaders are committing economic suicide.  He contends that we’re watching the de-industrialization of what used to be Christendom (the free world) and the transfer of political, economic and military power as part of a new multi-polar world order as opposed to the previous uni-polar world where the U.S. was the sole hegemon.

Is what this conference represents really nothing more than fear mongering in order to promote an agenda?  You decide as this program also looked at the following:

John Kerry’s statements on coal vs. the behavior of China.

Hillary Clinton’s message of gloom and doom from the conference.

Are we in the hottest days/months/years ever?

Is global warming nothing more than a combination of the urban heat island effect and changes in solar activity?

If the conference attendees truly believe in their agenda, why were they eating Wagyu burgers, Philly cheese steak sandwiches, African street barbecue, fast-casual Mexican food and other meat related items?  

What kind of future does Alex see for the American farmer/rancher? 

What’s the “climate action commitment counter”?

What was the “Faith Pavilion”?

Al Gore compared social media algorithms to AR-15 rifles.

Conclusion?  Alex believes they plan to re-engineer human civilization, completely bankrupt what’s left of the middle class in the Western world and accumulate all power for themselves at the global and regional levels.  

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Islam’s Goal:  Worldwide Caliphate

Date: December 11, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Shahram Hadian MP3 | Order

Since Hamas launched its barbaric attack against Israel on October 7th, more and more uprisings are appearing around the world.  Those involved are saying with great boldness that Israel is the problem, they should be destroyed, and as occupiers, they have no right to defend themselves.

Why are they saying such things?  The goal is a worldwide caliphate which includes the United States.  It would be a world where only Islam is accepted.  All others would need to be killed because the Qur’an teaches that all Jews and Christians are infidels.

Bringing more clarity to this subject was Shahram Hadian.  Shahram is a former Muslim from Iran who came to the states in 1978 and committed his life to Jesus Christ.  Shahram started the Truth in Love Project and is the founding pastor of Truth in Love Ministry.  He exposes the true goal of Islam and the threat of Sharia in America.  He’s served as a pastor, a police officer, and a former candidate for governor in Washington State.

Fathi Hamad, a Palestinian politician and political leader of Hamas, declared on December 1st on Al-Aqsa television that Palestinians are preparing to establish an Islamic caliphate with Jerusalem as its capital.

What is a caliphate?  Shahram explained how Islam has been working on establishing a worldwide caliphate for 1,400 years.  They seek global domination where every nation on earth is governed by Islamic law.  This means that a caliphate in Islam is both religious and political.  The mosque is the state and the state is the mosque.  This can take the form of subjugation by force or the majority of the population becoming  Islamic.  This is something Christians in America may have a difficult time understanding because we live under the idea of a proper separation between church and state.  

The promotion of a caliphate is the mission of groups like the Muslim Brotherhood.  In 1991 when they wrote their “Explanatory Memorandum” (which was discovered by the FBI in a raid in 2004) it noted that their goal is the sabotage of our miserable house (America) by jihad in order to establish Islam.  They also indicated they would do this by the hand of believers (Muslims) and unbelievers.  In other words, they seek to use the hands of our own citizens so that America becomes Islamic.  For about 15 years Shahram has been seeing this play out in places like Minneapolis, New York, Michigan, Maryland and Texas.   

What about the cries that Israel is the occupier?  Shahram explained how the Jews have been in that region for around 3,000 years, far longer than any Arabs.  We also know there was never a nation called “Palestine” nor a people known as “Palestinians.”  This terminology was given as an insult to the Jews (derived from the name of Israel’s ancient enemy, the Philistines) during the Roman occupation after the time of Christ.  

So to claim that Israel is an occupier is to refute history on this and one more level.  It’s the idea that the so-called “Palestinians” were never offered a nation.  After Britain took control of the Holy Land, in 1937 the Peel Commission, which was out of the UK, offered the Arabs a state.  This land was two-thirds the size of what the Jews were offered.  Arabs rejected that because they wanted it all plus Jerusalem.

In 1947, the United Nations offered a 50-50 plan.  That plan was also rejected by the Arabs once again, because they wanted all the land plus Jerusalem.

Then in 2005, when Israel pulled out of Gaza, the Palestinians were given autonomy.  Who took control?  The terrorist group known as Hamas, a group that is supported by two-thirds of Palestinians.

In the end a person can’t claim Israel is an occupier when, at least in recent history, Arab Palestinians were offered their own state and rejected it simply because they didn’t want the Jews there.  This makes the cries of “occupation” nothing more than propaganda which is interesting because Islam has no claim on Jerusalem as this city isn’t mentioned in the Qur’an.  This points to only one thing.  The goal is for a one-state solution as part of Islam’s larger, worldwide caliphate, and Israel is standing in the way of that goal.  

This is the basis for a fact-filled broadcast that includes much more, including audio from Islamic leaders and comments from listeners nationwide. 

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News Roundup & Comment

Date: December 8, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider MP3 | Order

Crosstalk and the Friday News Round-Up, your source for news stories that impact you.  Here’s a sample of what Jim presented for listeners:

–A 53 year old Israeli taxi driver who was kidnapped by Hamas on October 7th has been murdered.  His body is still held by Hamas in Gaza. 

–IDF soldiers on Tuesday recovered one of the largest stockpiles of weapons belonging to Hamas, again showing how Hamas uses Palestinian citizens as human shields.  

–A compromise 900 billion dollar defense bill doesn’t contain any restrictions on paying for military members traveling to get an abortion, nor does the bill block coverage of transition surgeries for transgenders and hormone treatments.  

–The Israeli security minister says his ministry is now approving up to 3,000 gun applications per day.

–The Biden administration is considering getting behind new restrictions on who can seek asylum and an expanded deportation process to secure new aid for Ukraine and Israel in the supplemental funding bill.

–A young, male, African migrant expressed his gratitude to President Biden for the opportunity at a better life in the U.S.  Jim provided the audio.

–President Putin of Russia arrived in the Middle East where he’s meeting with the leaders of the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to shore up support from the major oil producers.

–The House Judiciary Committee passed a bill to reform FISA.    

–The U.N. Human Rights Bureaucracy released a scathing report last month slamming America as a bastion of horrors.

–Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy will be retiring from Congress at the end of this year. 

–Representative Marjorie Taylor Green has introduced articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden.

–In a report on the status of their investigation released Tuesday, House Republicans claim that the Department of Justice is preventing two, would-be whistleblowers from testifying in the Biden impeachment investigations.   

–Banks filed at least six reports concerning Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings that flagged President Joe Biden’s home address in Delaware and raised concerns about criminal activity involving money laundering or human trafficking, according to a U.S. Senator who investigated the first-family’s finances for years.

–Hunter Biden has been indicted on nine charges including 3 felonies for allegedly failing to file taxes, evading an assessment and filing a fraudulent form.

–FBI Director Christopher Wray was grilled in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday with Senator Ted Cruz questioning Wray about the actions he was taking at the FBI, noting that he was concerned about how the DOJ has become deeply politicized under Attorney General Merrick Garland and that the FBI has become so as well.  Jim provided audio from the exchange.

Israel’s War Against Hamas: 60 Days Later

Date: December 7, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Dr. Richard Schmidt MP3 | Order

Dr. Richard Schmidt is pastor of Union Grove Baptist Church and founder of Prophecy Focus Ministries.  He is the speaker on the weekly TV program, Prophecy Focus and the radio broadcast, Prophecy Unfolding.  He spent 32 years in law enforcement including that of acting sheriff of Milwaukee County until his retirement.  He’s authored several books including: Are You Going to a Better Place?, Daniel’s Gap Paul’s Mystery, Tribulation to Triumph: The Olivet Discourse, Globalism: The Great World Consumption and Artificial Intelligence, Transhumanism and the De-Evolution of Democracy.

It’s been 60 days since Hamas brutally attacked Israel.  Dr. Schmidt believes the reason so many are jumping on the pro-Palestinian bandwagon at this time is because we’re forgetting the barbaric/horrific things that Hamas did 60 days ago.  He described what they did as an animalistic attack that’s demonic in its nature.

As proof, Jim presented audio clips.  One is from State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller, who responded to the raping of Israeli women by Hamas as a weapon of war.  The other was from Jimmy Pacheco.  Before being taken hostage, he was living in a Kibbutz as a caretaker for an elderly man who had been immediately killed by Hamas.

As this broadcast progressed, Dr. Schmidt commented on the following:

V.P. Kamala Harris and her statements concerning Israel’s right to defend itself and how she and the president see Israel’s responsibility to Palestinian citizens.

What the IDF is doing about the Hamas tunnel system. 

How the IDF communicated with Palestinians to help save lives. 

The Arrow missile system that shot down a ballistic missile in outer space.  Is this officially the first space battle? 

The games being taught to young Palestinian children. 

Antisemitism on university campuses. 

The FBI’s Christopher Wray and his warning for the United States. 

      …and much more! 

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Israel’s Five-Way War

Date: December 6, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Pastor Jim Scudder, Jr. MP3 | Order

As Israel’s war against Hamas rages, we continue to see pro-Hamas/pro-Palestinian uprisings around the world and in the U.S.  Through all this the media has been all too willing to bow to the narrative presented by the enemies of Israel, even blaming Israel for bombing a hospital and carrying out the October 7th attack on their own people.

Pastor Jim Scudder Jr. just returned from Israel to document the story.  Jim is pastor of Quentin Road Baptist Church in Lake Zurich, Illinois. He’s an author and is speaker on the program InGrace which airs both on WVCY Television and on the VCY America Radio Network and on other facilities across the country.

Having led so many trips to Israel, Pastor Scudder felt compelled to go back and see first-hand, what was taking place.  While there, he wanted to document what he experienced and come back and present the true story, in contrast to America’s media, which he believes is slanted against Israel.

You’ll hear about his experience flying in, why he believes this is a five-way war, his ride with an ambulance driver (Why this driver doesn’t wear a seat belt!), audio clips from his experience, information on the InGrace bookmark to show your support for Israel, how you can see the finished TV program of the trip and more.

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What Meaneth These Stones?

Date: December 5, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Dr. Tim Schmig MP3 | Order

On many occasions, individuals will do something so that they remember a significant life event.  The Israelites gathered stones as they crossed the Jordan River.  With the stones, they built a monument so that when future generations asked what the stones meant, they would hear of how God led them through and provided for them.

We also put up monuments, not to worship, but to remember individuals or events that have impacted our nation in a significant way.  Unfortunately, it’s these statues and monuments that are under attack.  Why is this happening?

To address this issue, Crosstalk welcomed Dr. Tim Schmig.  Dr. Schmig is executive director of the Michigan Association of Christian Schools, director of Stories in Stone and author of Stories in Stones: Our Heritage of Evidence.

So why is there such a concerted effort to remove statues and monuments today?  Dr. Schmig believes part of it is because people today are looking back through the lens of their own personal experiences, therefore they view our nation’s founders based upon what’s known as “presentism.”  In other words, they weigh the actions and productivity of the founders (and others who’ve gone on before us) based on what they believe is right today.

As he noted, none of us are perfect, including America’s founders.  The present day protesters that tear down monuments aren’t perfect either.  So if you look at our nation through the lens of idealism, we’ll be weighed in the balances and found wanting.  Yet if you look at America’s history based upon the times that they lived in, you’ll see that those individuals did some amazing things.

Dr. Schmig explained that the founders worked spiritual themes into monuments as a testament to the providential plan and the providential protection that they had.  For example, the Mayflower Compact starts this way: “In the name of God, Amen.”  From this we can see it’s a document that starts with prayer.  Then it goes on to note that it was undertaken for the advancement of the Christian faith.

When you look at the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, our state charters; all of them were being signed by people who believed they were making a vertical covenant with God and a horizontal covenant with each other which would hold all of them accountable for what they were doing.  It’s about accountability to God and fidelity to the past by honoring those who got them to that point in history, with faithfulness going forward that future generations would recognize that they are to be custodians of that heritage.    

So what should all of us know about Washington, Jefferson, Columbus or Lincoln?  In light of the era we live in, where monuments are being taken down and the mantra is indoctrination over education, how should believers respond to this?  Get the answers you need on this edition of Crosstalk.

Son of Hamas Issues Warning!

Date: December 4, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider MP3 | Order

Jim began this edition of Crosstalk with special information from the Friends of Israel.  In light of the recent violence that’s taken place against Israel and also the increasing antisemitism taking place here is the U.S., FOI is calling on Christians nationwide to show their support for Israel and the Jewish people.  

FOI is requesting that Christians light a candle in their window at sundown on the first night of Hanukkah, December 7th, and to keep it there through sundown on December 15th. 

Go to and you can print a special sign and affix it to your window right next to your candle.  One says, “We Support Israel” and the other says, “Shining This Light For Israel.” 

We must not forget the barbarism an atrocities that took place on October 7th as Hamas, in accordance with their charter, seeks to eradicate Israel.     

Perhaps the best reminder of this is to listen to 45 year old Mosab Hassan Yousef. Mosab is the son of the co-founder of Hamas.  He defected from the group in the late 1990’s and began secretly working with Israel’s security services to expose and to prevent several terrorist attacks by Hamas.  His goal is to expose the true face of Hamas and their genocidal death-call.

In a speech before the United Nations two weeks ago today, Mosab presented a very serious warning.  He explained how he’s seen a lot of division, confusion, hatred and misinformation, while everyone speaks on behalf of the children and the innocent.  He indicated he’s unsure of their real intentions, but said that he can speak on the authority of a Palestinian child because he’s someone who grew up in that culture.

Listeners communicated their feelings on this issue to wrap up the broadcast.

News Roundup & Comment

Date: December 1, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider MP3 | Order

From Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to the far corners of the globe, Crosstalk brings news items to listeners each Friday to keep you informed.  Here’s a sample of what was shared this week:

–Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Israel seemingly in part to push for an extension of the Israel/Hamas cease-fire.  Since that time, rockets fired by Hamas triggered an end to this week-long pause.  Fighting resumed after Israel accused Hamas of violating the truce agreement.  After Hamas began firing rockets into southern Israel, the Israel Defense Forces resumed bombing in Gaza City.   

–According to an Iranian official, Hamas has only used 10-12% of its military arsenal so far in the war against Israel.

–Roni Kriboy managed to escape from terrorists who held him hostage in the Gaza Strip, but ordinary Gazans returned him to his captors.

–Hamas terrorists kidnapped children and were trained to create a specific sign on their bodies.  They would put one of the legs of the child on a hot motorcycle exhaust creating a “brand” on their bodies.  This mark would help identify them if they attempted to escape.     

–Israeli President Isaac Herzog told “X” owner Elon Musk that his platform needed to do more to fight and combat anti-Jewish hate as Musk visited Israel on a goodwill visit.

–Tuesday evening the House voted to reaffirm Israel’s right to exist.

–Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (who is Jewish) ripped the political left in a speech from the Senate floor Wednesday over its overt antisemitism in the days following the October 7th attack.  Jim provided audio from the speech.

–Far left extremist Greta Thunberg is facing backlash after she was captured chanting, “Crush Zionism,” at a recent pro-Palestinian rally in Sweden.

–Thousands of people gathered in the streets of London to partake in a march against antisemitism.  

–A United Airlines pilot has been removed from service with pay after posting dozens of messages on Facebook expressing support for Hamas in the aftermath of their barbaric assault on Israel on October 7th.

–The House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer told Newsmax that the deputy federal prosecutor, subpoenaed by a different committee, is believed to have shut down four different investigations into corruption allegations involving President Joe Biden.

–House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer told Newsmax that the investigation into the Biden family corruption will be conducted like every other congressional investigation in history: deposition first, then a public hearing.

–House progressives and conservatives are teaming up to call on Congress not to re-authorize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) that expires in one month, by tying it to the Defense Spending Bill. 

–A secretive surveillance initiative, managed by the White House, grants law enforcement agencies unprecedented access to trillions of American phone records raising significant privacy and legal concerns.

–According to redacted search warrants and other documents released Monday, Special Counsel Jack Smith sought information on “X” users who liked or retweeted posts published by former President Donald Trump.

What’s Behind the Deep State?

Date: November 30, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Alex Newman MP3 | Order

When you consider the events that are unfolding around the world and you add to that matters going on within the U.S., you must come away wondering how so much chaos can be unfolding at one time.  Is this just a big coincidence or is there a concerted effort taking place to bring the U.S. to its knees, allow control from another source and therefore surrender everyone to global governance?  If so, who’s behind it?

Returning to Crosstalk to make sense of all this was Alex Newman.  Alex is an award-winning international freelance journalist, author, researcher, educator and consultant.  He is senior editor for The New American.  He is co-author of Crimes of the Educators and author of Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes.  He is founder of Liberty Sentinel.

Discussion began as Alex mentioned the death of Henry Kissinger and his boss, David Rockefeller, who recruited Kissinger into the globalist movement.  Rockefeller admitted on page 405 of his own autobiography that he was working against the best interests of the United States while conspiring with internationalists (globalists) to build a one world order.

In other words, those who believe that much of what’s taking place on the world scene isn’t coordinated in any way, simply aren’t looking at the evidence.

That still leaves us with the following question: Is the “deep state” the cabal that Rockefeller was referring to?

Alex noted that the term “deep state” started around 2016.  It was a congressional staffer (Mike Lofgran) who first applied it in a significant way to the establishment in the U.S.  Although he defined the “deep state” as the intelligence agencies and forces behind the scenes within the government that want to control policy, he also included Wall Street and big-tech companies.

When former President Trump or his allies mentioned the “deep state,” he was referring to the forces within federal government and the entrenched bureaucracy that he believes are trying to control and manipulate policy.

What Alex believes is even more important than the people within the government that are part of the definition are the people in the organizations and societies that are behind the scenes.  He refers to this as the “deep state” behind the “deep state.”  

Review this Crosstalk and you’ll hear Alex as he brings historical information on these groups and organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Bohemian Grove, the Skull and Bones and how these work in conjunction with the United Nations.

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Israel War Update

Date: November 29, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, Jr MP3 | Order

Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Jr. is a speaker, teacher, Mideast guide, videographer and speaker on Prophecy Today.  He lived and worked in Jerusalem for many years, is a fully credentialed journalist and has led numerous tours to Israel.

There’s been a cease-fire in the war between Israel and Hamas.  Several hostages have been released with many more Palestinian prisoners released as well.  The cease-fire is supposed to end today, however, there are talks taking place to try and extend it.  

One interesting aspect of this war is that it’s shown how far Hamas and the Palestinian Authority will go in terms of propaganda.  For example, Jim noted how they claimed Israel actually attacked itself on October 7th and that they were the ones that did the shooting at the music festival.  They’ve claimed that Israel has stolen organs from corpses.  Hamas has even used artificial intelligence to generate what looks like dead bodies (but really aren’t) and claiming that Israeli Defense Forces did this.

Dr. DeYoung noted that in 35 years of his experience, there’s been no one better at giving the Arabs a voice than the Israeli government.  Israel often offered a 2-state solution, but it was the Palestinians that said “no” because being part of a state requires recognizing that Israel also has a sovereign right to be a state.

Why aren’t younger people getting this?  It’s because they get much of their information from social media, so they wonder why they should support Israel when they believe they’re the ones committing the atrocities.  

What have we learned from the released hostages thus far?  How much of a problem is posed by Hezbollah?  What is “Pay to Slay”?  These and other questions are addressed, while listeners provided their input as well.

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