News Roundup & Comment

Date: May 10, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider MP3 | Order

Jim was back at the helm presenting stories from the news desk.  Here’s a brief sample:

–Robert Kennedy Jr. has confirmed that he supports abortion right up to birth.

–The mayor of Tel Aviv has canceled their pride parade.   

–A West Virginia judge granted a preliminary injunction allowing several middle school girls to compete after the school district banned them from competition after refusing to play against a biological male.

–The ELCA has created a year-long queer confirmation curriculum for homosexual youth.

–Pennsylvania parents are demanding answers after a queer witch was brought into the school to speak to 14 year olds about dating violence and to survey the children on sexual topics.

–During a Tuesday hearing, the Secretary of Education declined to answer questions about whether he would let boys fight his girl in sports or undress in front of her.

–In Colorado, the state legislature has passed a law that compels speech on the part of school teachers by requiring them to use whatever pronouns a student chooses regardless of any ethical or religious objection that the teacher may have.

–The Boy Scouts have changed their name to be more inclusive.

–The United Methodist General Conference has voted to remove a decades old ban on    ordaining pastors in romantic, same-sex relationships after thousands of conservative congregations left the denomination in recent years.

–The Biden administration has finalized new rules that could threaten the ability of Sunrise Children’s Services and other faith-based agencies to place Kentucky children in foster care.

–At a Capitol steps press conference, Speaker Mike Johnson said, “There’s currently an unprecedented and a clear and present danger to the integrity of our election system, and that is the threat of non-citizens and illegal aliens voting in our elections.”

Mother’s Day Tribute 2024

Date: May 9, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider MP3 | Order

Today we set aside the many issues going on in our world in order to pay tribute to Moms.

This coming Sunday is Mother’s Day, which has been around for over 100 years. Though there were some varied celebrations of Mother’s Day prior to this, the first official recognition of the holiday was in West Virginia in the early 1900’s. Grafton, WV is viewed as being the birth place of Mother’s Day.

It was May 14, 1914 that President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation designating the second Sunday of May as Mother’s Day. We recognize Mother’s Day as a day set aside to honor our mothers.

One of the examples of a godly mother in Scripture is found in II Timothy 1:5: “When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.” It was the influence of a godly mother and grandmother that directly impacted young Timothy to be a follower of Jesus Christ.

Jim Schneider finds this true in his own life as well and shared his personal testimony.

The majority of this program was filled with many listeners who called in to honor their mothers.

50 in 5:  Digital Public Infrastructure

Date: May 8, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Alex Newman MP3 | Order

Alex Newman is an award-winning international freelance journalist, author, researcher, educator and consultant.  He is senior editor for The New American.  He is co-author of Crimes of the Educators, author of Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes and author of, Indoctrinating Our Children to Death.  He is Founder of Liberty Sentinel.

The propulsion toward global governance is rapidly advancing as it takes shape on many fronts.  For example, we know what’s taking place as it relates to climate change and taking control of energy and population control.  Then there’s the World Health Organization and its push to erase the sovereignty of nations so that they can have power to create a pandemic and have control over our nation’s medical supplies, finances, medical passports, vaccinations and health guidelines.  We also see the push for a so-called, “international justice system” and an education system controlled by globalists.  

Now being added to all this is a United Nations effort to impose what’s called, “digital public infrastructure”.  This is to be implemented on citizens within 5 years.  It’s a surveillance program that seeks total control for every human activity and it’s to be functional across national borders.

Alex was in-studio with Jim to discuss this latest development and as he spoke, he answered these and other related questions:   

Is there a correlation between the 50 in 5 program (50 nations involved in 5 years) and Agenda 2030?

What does a digital infrastructure look like?

How would a digital public infrastructure affect American farmers?

What part does central bank digital currencies play in DPI?

What’s the correlation between central bank digital currencies and racial equity?

Will central bank digital currencies be tied to personal I.D. accounts?

Become informed because as you’ll hear, digital public infrastructure is going to become so ubiquitous that life will be very difficult without participating in it.  

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Persecuted Christians Paying the Price

Date: May 7, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Todd Nettleton MP3 | Order

Todd Nettleton is the host of the Voice of the Martyrs Radio and is Vice President of Message for the Voice of the Martyrs-USA.  Todd is author of Forbidden: 40 Days on the Frontlines with Persecuted Christians.

Our Constitution recognizes the free exercise of religion, yet we take it for granted.  We have Bibles available seemingly everywhere, even on our phones, yet do we use them?  Churches are still prevalent in America but are you attending as you should?  The fact is, we’re often lackadaisical when it comes to our Christian faith and the freedom we have to practice it.  In addition, it’s a foreign thought to even think about the fact that others worldwide are being persecuted for that same faith in Jesus Christ.  This shouldn’t surprise us because as Todd realizes, in many places around the world, the most dangerous item a person can own is a Bible.

Todd described how it’s not uncommon for someone to be beaten if they’re found to be reading the Bible or to be arrested if found in possession of one.  In response, Voice of the Martyrs has been engaged in the mass production of Bibles, with persecuted believers smuggling them into some of the most dangerous places just to serve Christ.  For the last several years, VOM has been able to deliver more than one million Bibles a year into hostile and restricted nations with every single one being sponsored/funded by someone who gives. 

Find out what the circumstances are like for Christians in India, Egypt, Eritrea and Turkey.  Todd also presented an interesting testimony from Iran as well as information on the upcoming Day of the Christian Martyr, focusing this year on Christians in northern Iraq and Syria.

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The Targeting of Pre-Born Life

Date: May 6, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Rev. Jim Harden MP3 | Order

Rev. Jim Harden is the President and CEO of CompassCare Pregnancy Services in New York. His own center was targeted by abortion terrorism.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20)

There appears to be a thirst for blood in our land that should shake our nation to its very core. America needs to realize that the dominant theme in this election cycle is the murdering of pre-born babies. It’s part of the mantra for the presidency, it’s happening in U.S. House and Senate races, it’s happening in state house races, and it’s happening in the campaigns of judges, attorney generals and district attorneys. The list goes on. Multiple states will have abortion on their ballots this November.

But even all of this is not satisfying our nation’s appetite for blood and death. Top law enforcement officials are going after those who stand for the sanctity of human life and seeking to either put them out of business or to keep them from ever standing for life again.

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News Roundup & Comment

Date: May 3, 2024 Host: Dalton Windsor MP3 | Order

Dalton filled in for Jim this week and here’s a sample of the news stories he had to offer:

–4 law enforcement officers were killed on Monday and 4 other officers injured in Charlotte, NC, after being shot while attempting to serve a warrant.

–The European Union’s foreign policy chief says that several EU member states will recognize Palestinian statehood by the end of May, despite Israeli opposition.

–The International Olympic Committee has made it clear that Palestine will be represented as if it is its own nation at the Olympics.

–The U.S. has announced that 5 Israeli military units committed grave human rights violations against Palestinians in the West Bank before Hamas launched its attack on October 7th.

–Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken that he would not accept an end to the war in Gaza as part of a potential hostage deal.

–Former U.S. Army Vice Chief of Staff General Jack Keane says sources reveal Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar is protecting himself and his family with multiple Israeli hostages.

–At a press conference yesterday, President Biden was asked if the protests have forced him to reconsider any of the policies with regard to the region to which he replied, “No.”  Then he was asked if the National Guard should intervene.  Again he said, “No.”

–Audio was presented from activity at the University of North Carolina where several students were witnessing the protests, but then something happened that made them get involved.  They saw the American flag being taken down.

–Dalton provided audio of Scottish actor/atheist Brian Cox who attempted to blame religion for the problems of the world.

Mike Gendron Rally – “Discerning Truth in the Age of Deception”

Date: May 2, 2024Host: Dalton WindsorMP3 

As Dalton opened up the broadcast he asked the following questions: Where do you go for truth?  What is truth?  How can we know it?

If these are questions you’ve asked yourself or others, you’ll want to take notes on this broadcast called, Discerning Truth in the Age of Deception.  This program was a rebroadcast of the VCY March 2024, Spring Rally that featured speaker Mike Gendron.

Dalton set the tone for the hour by playing audio from Mike as he quoted A.W. Pink, one of the most influential evangelical authors of the second half of the 20th century.  Pink was quoted as saying:

“The hardest task before most of us is not to learn, but to unlearn.  Many of God’s own children have drunk so deeply of the sweetened poison of Satan, that it is by no means easy to get it out of their systems; and while it remains in them, it stupefies their understanding.”

No matter how religious you may think you are, are you willing to unlearn what you were falsely taught and learn the truth from God’s Word?

A critical factor in all of this is discernment.  Have you ever considered what’s causing the decline in this area?  Mike believes it’s directly related to the absence of sound teaching today.  This lack of discernment among those who profess Christ has left them unprotected from every wind of doctrine.

However, Mike also noted another reason for this lack of discernment.  It’s the fact that Satan knows his days are numbered and he is orchestrating an all-out attack on the church and the truth of God’s Word.  His fatal lies and half-truths are keeping people dead in their sins and woefully deceived about life’s most critical issue which is how we can all become right with God.  

So listen in as Mike answers questions such as:

What is discernment and why do we need it?

What is truth and how can we know it?

How is Satan attacking the Christian faith?

Since God is sovereign, why does he allow wolves near the flock?

Why do we need to mark and avoid false teachers?

Why must we guard the Gospel of Grace.

These and other questions are answered as Mike explains in detail how Satan is attacking the Christian faith and how discernment will help you recognize the various deceptions that are taking place.

More Information

Call 1-800-729-9829 and ask for the DVD or CD of Discerning Truth in the Age of Deception.


Click here to obtain a CD copy for a donation of $6.

Click here to obtain a DVD copy for a donation of $15.

Mike Gendron Rally – Discerning Truth in an Age of Deception

Mike Gendron spoke at the Waukesha Expo for the VCY America Rally on March 16,2024. His topic was “Discerning Truth in an Age of Deception.”

Mike Gendron is the Founder and Director of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministry. Mike was a devout Roman Catholic for over 3 decades and was taught to rely upon the authority of the church above all else. Mike searched the Scriptures and was amazed to find that what he read in Scripture contradicted the teaching and tradition of the church he had been a part of for so long. He trusted Jesus as his Savior and now the Bible has become his sole authority in all matters of faith. Mike is the author of the books Preparing for Eternity and Contending for the Gospel, and has produced numerous videos with warnings concerning false teachings versus the truth of the Scriptures.

Click here to order a CD copy.

Click here to order a DVD copy.

You may also call 1-800-729-9829 or send a check, cash or money order to 3434 W Kilbourn Ave, Milwaukee WI 53208.

Covid Shot Revelations & Pandemic Treaty

Date: May 5, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Barbara Loe Fisher MP3 | Order

Barbara Loe Fisher is president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a non-profit charity she co-founded with parents of DPT vaccine injured children in 1982.  NVIC is a national, grassroots movement and public information campaign to institute vaccine safety reforms and informed consent protections in the public health system. She has researched, analyzed and publicly articulated the major issues involving the science, policy, law, ethics and politics of vaccination to become one of the world’s leading non-medical, consumer advocacy experts on the subject.

Our nation continues to reel from the COVID shot that in numerous aspects has remained veiled under a cloak of secrecy and non-disclosure.  However, information is coming out about previously hidden reports from the CDC concerning adverse effects from the shot that were known prior to or shortly after the rollout.  In spite of this, the shots continue to be pushed and even mandated in some instances.

This program began with discussion concerning the HPV vaccine known as Gardasil, then moved to Ron Johnson’s vaccine roundtable discussion, the WHO pandemic treaty, important COVID shot multiple death news that the Epoch Times has exposed, bird flu and the stockpiling of vaccines, a minor consent bill in Alabama (HB-165) and more, including input from listeners.        

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Natural Family Month

Date: April 30, 2024 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Rob Pue & J. R. Harrison MP3 | Order

J.R. Harrison is the director of the National Family Foundation while Rob Pue is the founder & publisher of Wisconsin Christian News.

The natural family is under attack and targeted for destruction.  Just look at how America has redefined terms such as “marriage”, “family”, “male” and “female”.  When changed, what’s to stop them from expanding to unknown levels?  

Consider the hijacking of our calendar.  Gay pride day has turned into gay pride month.  Now the GLAAD LGBTQ calendar has the following: February 7th–National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.  The week after Valentine’s Day–Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week.  February 28–HIV is Not a Crime Awareness Day.  March–Bisexual Health Awareness Month.  Also in March–National LGBT Health Awareness Week.  There’s many more that could be listed from throughout the year but you get the point.

Instead of reacting by cursing the darkness, Rob Pue and J.R. Harrison is instead lighting a candle in celebration of what’s being called, “Natural Family Month”, which extends from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day.  It’s not about complaining.  Instead, it’s an attempt to take a positive approach by citing a historical, best practice.

To find out how you can get a Natural Family Month celebration started in your community and what’s involved in the natural family promise, listen to this broadcast and then go to the link below.

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