Fighting a Global Agenda Locally

Date: December 19, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Tom DeWeese MP3 | Order

California will disallow the sale of new cars powered by gasoline in 2035.  That radical move, along with other environmental policies combined with the state’s sky-high taxes, and it’s no wonder so many are leaving California.  

Looking elsewhere, there was a new bill introduced December 5th in the state of Washington (House Bill 1868) aimed at making gas powered lawn mowers and other lawn equipment illegal, with heavy fines and even jail time for violators.

The push for electric vehicles continues by the federal government despite their deficiencies, especially their cold weather performance.  In addition, they’re slow sellers on new car lots.

So why is all of this going on?  Returning to Crosstalk to answer that question was Tom DeWeese.  Tom is president of American Policy Center.  He is one of the nation’s leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education and American sovereignty and independence and protecting our constitutionally-guaranteed rights.  He is also the grassroots coordinator for CFACT.

As Tom explained, “net-zero” is the target, despite the fact that C02 is not a pollutant.  So much of what exists on our planet needs C02 to survive.  Yet in spite of that, a new study claims humans are contributing to global warming by breathing, and if you’re female and over 30 years old, you’re the biggest culprit!

To place blame on people just for breathing sure sounds like an excuse for lowering the human population does it not?  Tom believes that’s the contention.

What is climate justice?  Is farmland still under threat?  Could your future protein come from bugs?  Some of this may sound crazy but there is hope.  People can take action.  Find out how when you review this edition of Crosstalk.

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Answers to Tough Questions About Christmas

Date: December 18, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Frank Figueroa Jr. MP3 | Order

There are those who insist that believers in Christ should have nothing to do with Christmas or its observance.  The guest on this edition of Crosstalk, and his fellow workers in ministry, have put together a book to address this important matter.

Frank Figueroa Jr. is a speaker and presenter for Reasons For Hope, a ministry dedicated to presenting, proclaiming and defending the biblical worldview.  He has a Science Education degree from the University of Hawaii.  He formerly served as pastor in Hawaii and now speaks to numerous youth camps, youth assemblies and private schools.  He’s a contributor to the book, Glad You Asked!  Answers to 12 Tough Questions About Christmas That You Need Answers For.

Is Christmas, as some would say, a pagan holiday?  Frank said that the answer is both yes and no.  He noted that there are some things used from past pagan traditions.  However, the reason we celebrate Christmas is not due to any of those things.  It’s because of the birth of Christ and ultimately so that he would die for our sins.  

He used an example from the book, Glad You Asked.  Imagine if Christians took the month of June, which is currently known as Pride Month, and began calling it Prayer Month, using it as a springboard to witness to the lost, especially those who are pro-pride.  Then, if over time, Pride Month instead became known nationally as Prayer Month, 100 years from now would Christians feel as though we shouldn’t have taken a secular idea and turned it into something that we can use to serve the Lord’s purposes?  No, of course not.

Listen to the discussion as Jim has Frank tackle tough questions that Christians sometimes debate concerning Christmas such as:  

Is having a Christmas tree a violation of Scripture similar to what we see in Jeremiah 10?

Was December 25th the day that Christ was born on?

How important is the virgin birth of Christ?

How historically accurate are the typical nativity scenes?

What do we know about the Star of Bethlehem?

Listeners capped this broadcast with numerous questions of their own.

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News Roundup & Comment

Date: December 15, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider MP3 | Order

Finish the week with Crosstalk and get caught up on news from around the world.  Here’s a sample of what Jim presented to listeners this week:

–At the U.N.’s COP 28 gathering, governments from around the world agreed to a global transition from fossil fuel, greater limits on energy use, and a new fund to compensate governments of poor nations for alleged damages caused by C02 emissions from wealthier nations.

–The U.S. Supreme Court will take up a January 6th defendants appeal of the Department of Justice’s novel use of evidence tampering law to prosecute hundreds of defendants for obstruction of Congress. 

–In October of 2021, Joe Biden called on the Department of Justice to prosecute  people who defy congressional subpoenas.  Now President Biden’s son Hunter skipped out on a deposition before Congress this past Wednesday.   

–Hunter Biden claimed the investigation into his business dealings is a move to undermine his father’s tenure as president.  Jim provided audio from his public statement.

–Jim also provided audio of Republican Congressman Jim Jordan speaking out on Hunter Biden being a “no-show.” 

–The House narrowly approved opening an impeachment probe into President Biden Wednesday, hours after his son Hunter defied a congressional demand to testify on Capitol Hill. 

–A Christian veteran tore down the satanic shrine at the Iowa capitol and beheaded it.

–An after-school Satan club is coming to a Tennessee elementary school.

–Viewers got their first taste of Hallmark’s “woke” holiday programming Saturday with the debut of “Christmas on Cherry Lane.”  Management made it abundantly clear that the “heart of TV” will continue to push the LGBT envelope, despite America’s towering wave of push-back. 

–The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear an appeal filed by a Christian therapist against Washington state’s ban on so-called gay conversion therapy.

–The conservative group, One Million Moms, has launched a petition against Target over its decision to stock LGBT-themed Christmas merchandise including gay Santas and “pride” Nutcrackers, months after Target faced backlash for selling products by a designer of satanic apparel.  

–Homosexual lawmakers in Wisconsin want to change the state’s constitution to recognize so-called same-sex marriage.

–A major Texas police department is reportedly considering a proposal that would alter the way police interact with individuals that identify as LGBTQ. 

–President Biden said during a campaign fundraiser that Israel could lose international support for its military campaign against Hamas if it carries out indiscriminate bombing in the Gaza Strip.

–Seconds after a Turkish lawmaker threatened Israel with the wrath of Allah, he collapsed of a heart attack.

God’s Story: From the Beginning to the Promised Return

Date: December 14, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Becki Dudley MP3 | Order

Becki Dudley is a children’s author who has written titles such as When You See a Rainbow, When You see a Cloud, and When You a Star, Noah’s Ark for Kids and more. She’s written and recently released God’s Story: From the Beginning to the Promised Return.

Becki is a mother as well as a grandmother of seven.  She communicated that because of the things we’re seeing that are happening in the world, the most important thing we can do is to teach children the truth that’s given to us in God’s word.

The result is God’s Story, a collection of 125 illustrated stories from the Bible that takes a child from Genesis to Revelation.  Her hope in writing this was to connect the dots of the “big picture” for children, to reinforce that these were real people and that they’re not fiction or fairy tales.  In other words, God’s word is real history and children can learn from it.

During the two year process of writing the book she used the scarlet thread of redemption as a general outline beginning with the Garden of Eden and culminating on the Cross.  She definitely wanted to include those stories that foreshadowed Christ’s ultimate sacrifice and what that means.    

The book is illustrated with wonderful pictures by Bill Looney.  Becki feels his pictures themselves tell stories and help to bring those in the book to life.

As the broadcast moves along you’ll hear why this isn’t just a “feel good” book, why there’s an emphasis on the holiness of God, what the “thread of hope” sections are all about, the colorful maps that allow you to compare the land in Bible times to the land today, some key points from Christ’s ministry, and much more including calls from listeners! 

More InformationSpecial Offer: This beautiful 10×10 full-color book, God’s Story, recently came out from the publisher at a retail price of $24.99.  This month our VCY Bookstore is featuring it as a book of the month and in a special arrangement with the publisher the bookstore is offering it at 40% off, for just $14.99 plus any applicable tax and/or shipping.  This is only available at this price through December 31, 2023. It’s available right now at or by calling 1-888-722-4829 or for those in Southeast Wisconsin by visiting at 10707 W. Capitol Drive in Milwaukee. (Open 10am-6pm Central)

Being a Witness This Christmas Season

Date: December 13, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: John Sorensen MP3 | Order

Many of you are perhaps burdened concerning the eternal state of unsaved family members and friends.  The good news is that the Christmas season provides many unique opportunities to cross paths with some of these individuals and share the hope of Christ with them.

If you believe that doing so will “rock the boat” and that you must remain silent in order to “keep the peace” at Christmas, you may not be aware that there is a way to share Christ with grace, love and effectiveness and that’s what this broadcast is all about.   

Appearing on Crosstalk to share his experiences was John Sorensen.  John is president & CEO of Evangelism Explosion International, a ministry that trains people how to share their faith in Christ and how to bring people from unbelief to belief.  He’s the daily speaker on Share Life Today.

There are some “dos” and “don’ts” to this process and John began with the “dos” as he noted that since it’s actually easier to witness to strangers, you could go to a coffee shop and try to start a conversation with someone and begin to bring Jesus into the conversation.  If you’re willing to spend some time you can go to the website and check out their online training program that can be a big help with such encounters/conversations.

One lie that John addressed is the idea that you have to become friends first before you can share Christ.  It’s actually the opposite and the more you get to know someone the harder it becomes to share with them.

John encouraged listeners to put an urgency and a seriousness into the effort, be genuine and let love prevail.  Too many of the conversations we have today don’t have love at the heart of them.  In the end, he believes you can talk about incredibly difficult things as long as the person that’s listening to you knows that the reason that you’re sharing is out of immense love for them. 

On the “don’t” side of things, John pointed out that you can’t argue anyone into the kingdom of God.  Instead listen, ask good questions, and do everything in your power not to argue.

There’s so much more to take in from this broadcast including John’s recommendation to ask for private time when dealing with certain family members, how to approach those you might meet on a plane, the essential Grace/Man/God/Christ/Faith elements of a gospel discussion, as well as questions and input from listeners. 

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COP28: Censorship, Taxes & Tyranny

Date: December 12, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Alex Newman MP3 | Order

Since November 30th, when you were wrapping up your Thanksgiving celebration time with family and friends and planning for Christmas, the United Nations Climate Change Conference was underway in the United Arab Emirates.  This was the 28th gathering of the Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, otherwise known as COP 28.  The guest on this Crosstalk has been in attendance and has summed up the totalitarian nature of this effort in just a few words: censorship, global taxes and tyranny.

Joining Jim to let listeners know what was being discussed and proposed was Alex Newman.  Alex is an award-winning international freelance journalist, author, researcher, educator and consultant.  He is senior editor for The New American.  He is co-author of Crimes of the Educators and author of Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes.  He is founder of Liberty Sentinel.

Jim described this conference as a who’s who of who wants to take totalitarian control over our world.  It included over 160 leaders including presidents, prime ministers and others at the highest levels of government, business and religion from around the world.  Most notably those not in attendance were President Joe Biden (VP Kamala Harris took his place), the Pope and China’s Xi Jinping.

With all the private jets flying in and out, Citizens for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) referred to this as the dirtiest climate conference ever.  As Jim noted, if they really believed their own message, wouldn’t they be using Zoom or Skype?  

Alex explained that the key point to understand is that the phase-down of fossil fuel (hydro-carbon energy) is only meant to apply to Western nations.  The Saudi’s, the Arab’s, the Chinese and others have no intention of reducing their fossil fuel consumption and have made that known.  Instead, Alex believes Western leaders are committing economic suicide.  He contends that we’re watching the de-industrialization of what used to be Christendom (the free world) and the transfer of political, economic and military power as part of a new multi-polar world order as opposed to the previous uni-polar world where the U.S. was the sole hegemon.

Is what this conference represents really nothing more than fear mongering in order to promote an agenda?  You decide as this program also looked at the following:

John Kerry’s statements on coal vs. the behavior of China.

Hillary Clinton’s message of gloom and doom from the conference.

Are we in the hottest days/months/years ever?

Is global warming nothing more than a combination of the urban heat island effect and changes in solar activity?

If the conference attendees truly believe in their agenda, why were they eating Wagyu burgers, Philly cheese steak sandwiches, African street barbecue, fast-casual Mexican food and other meat related items?  

What kind of future does Alex see for the American farmer/rancher? 

What’s the “climate action commitment counter”?

What was the “Faith Pavilion”?

Al Gore compared social media algorithms to AR-15 rifles.

Conclusion?  Alex believes they plan to re-engineer human civilization, completely bankrupt what’s left of the middle class in the Western world and accumulate all power for themselves at the global and regional levels.  

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Islam’s Goal:  Worldwide Caliphate

Date: December 11, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Shahram Hadian MP3 | Order

Since Hamas launched its barbaric attack against Israel on October 7th, more and more uprisings are appearing around the world.  Those involved are saying with great boldness that Israel is the problem, they should be destroyed, and as occupiers, they have no right to defend themselves.

Why are they saying such things?  The goal is a worldwide caliphate which includes the United States.  It would be a world where only Islam is accepted.  All others would need to be killed because the Qur’an teaches that all Jews and Christians are infidels.

Bringing more clarity to this subject was Shahram Hadian.  Shahram is a former Muslim from Iran who came to the states in 1978 and committed his life to Jesus Christ.  Shahram started the Truth in Love Project and is the founding pastor of Truth in Love Ministry.  He exposes the true goal of Islam and the threat of Sharia in America.  He’s served as a pastor, a police officer, and a former candidate for governor in Washington State.

Fathi Hamad, a Palestinian politician and political leader of Hamas, declared on December 1st on Al-Aqsa television that Palestinians are preparing to establish an Islamic caliphate with Jerusalem as its capital.

What is a caliphate?  Shahram explained how Islam has been working on establishing a worldwide caliphate for 1,400 years.  They seek global domination where every nation on earth is governed by Islamic law.  This means that a caliphate in Islam is both religious and political.  The mosque is the state and the state is the mosque.  This can take the form of subjugation by force or the majority of the population becoming  Islamic.  This is something Christians in America may have a difficult time understanding because we live under the idea of a proper separation between church and state.  

The promotion of a caliphate is the mission of groups like the Muslim Brotherhood.  In 1991 when they wrote their “Explanatory Memorandum” (which was discovered by the FBI in a raid in 2004) it noted that their goal is the sabotage of our miserable house (America) by jihad in order to establish Islam.  They also indicated they would do this by the hand of believers (Muslims) and unbelievers.  In other words, they seek to use the hands of our own citizens so that America becomes Islamic.  For about 15 years Shahram has been seeing this play out in places like Minneapolis, New York, Michigan, Maryland and Texas.   

What about the cries that Israel is the occupier?  Shahram explained how the Jews have been in that region for around 3,000 years, far longer than any Arabs.  We also know there was never a nation called “Palestine” nor a people known as “Palestinians.”  This terminology was given as an insult to the Jews (derived from the name of Israel’s ancient enemy, the Philistines) during the Roman occupation after the time of Christ.  

So to claim that Israel is an occupier is to refute history on this and one more level.  It’s the idea that the so-called “Palestinians” were never offered a nation.  After Britain took control of the Holy Land, in 1937 the Peel Commission, which was out of the UK, offered the Arabs a state.  This land was two-thirds the size of what the Jews were offered.  Arabs rejected that because they wanted it all plus Jerusalem.

In 1947, the United Nations offered a 50-50 plan.  That plan was also rejected by the Arabs once again, because they wanted all the land plus Jerusalem.

Then in 2005, when Israel pulled out of Gaza, the Palestinians were given autonomy.  Who took control?  The terrorist group known as Hamas, a group that is supported by two-thirds of Palestinians.

In the end a person can’t claim Israel is an occupier when, at least in recent history, Arab Palestinians were offered their own state and rejected it simply because they didn’t want the Jews there.  This makes the cries of “occupation” nothing more than propaganda which is interesting because Islam has no claim on Jerusalem as this city isn’t mentioned in the Qur’an.  This points to only one thing.  The goal is for a one-state solution as part of Islam’s larger, worldwide caliphate, and Israel is standing in the way of that goal.  

This is the basis for a fact-filled broadcast that includes much more, including audio from Islamic leaders and comments from listeners nationwide. 

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News Roundup & Comment

Date: December 8, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider MP3 | Order

Crosstalk and the Friday News Round-Up, your source for news stories that impact you.  Here’s a sample of what Jim presented for listeners:

–A 53 year old Israeli taxi driver who was kidnapped by Hamas on October 7th has been murdered.  His body is still held by Hamas in Gaza. 

–IDF soldiers on Tuesday recovered one of the largest stockpiles of weapons belonging to Hamas, again showing how Hamas uses Palestinian citizens as human shields.  

–A compromise 900 billion dollar defense bill doesn’t contain any restrictions on paying for military members traveling to get an abortion, nor does the bill block coverage of transition surgeries for transgenders and hormone treatments.  

–The Israeli security minister says his ministry is now approving up to 3,000 gun applications per day.

–The Biden administration is considering getting behind new restrictions on who can seek asylum and an expanded deportation process to secure new aid for Ukraine and Israel in the supplemental funding bill.

–A young, male, African migrant expressed his gratitude to President Biden for the opportunity at a better life in the U.S.  Jim provided the audio.

–President Putin of Russia arrived in the Middle East where he’s meeting with the leaders of the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to shore up support from the major oil producers.

–The House Judiciary Committee passed a bill to reform FISA.    

–The U.N. Human Rights Bureaucracy released a scathing report last month slamming America as a bastion of horrors.

–Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy will be retiring from Congress at the end of this year. 

–Representative Marjorie Taylor Green has introduced articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden.

–In a report on the status of their investigation released Tuesday, House Republicans claim that the Department of Justice is preventing two, would-be whistleblowers from testifying in the Biden impeachment investigations.   

–Banks filed at least six reports concerning Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings that flagged President Joe Biden’s home address in Delaware and raised concerns about criminal activity involving money laundering or human trafficking, according to a U.S. Senator who investigated the first-family’s finances for years.

–Hunter Biden has been indicted on nine charges including 3 felonies for allegedly failing to file taxes, evading an assessment and filing a fraudulent form.

–FBI Director Christopher Wray was grilled in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday with Senator Ted Cruz questioning Wray about the actions he was taking at the FBI, noting that he was concerned about how the DOJ has become deeply politicized under Attorney General Merrick Garland and that the FBI has become so as well.  Jim provided audio from the exchange.

Israel’s War Against Hamas: 60 Days Later

Date: December 7, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Dr. Richard Schmidt MP3 | Order

Dr. Richard Schmidt is pastor of Union Grove Baptist Church and founder of Prophecy Focus Ministries.  He is the speaker on the weekly TV program, Prophecy Focus and the radio broadcast, Prophecy Unfolding.  He spent 32 years in law enforcement including that of acting sheriff of Milwaukee County until his retirement.  He’s authored several books including: Are You Going to a Better Place?, Daniel’s Gap Paul’s Mystery, Tribulation to Triumph: The Olivet Discourse, Globalism: The Great World Consumption and Artificial Intelligence, Transhumanism and the De-Evolution of Democracy.

It’s been 60 days since Hamas brutally attacked Israel.  Dr. Schmidt believes the reason so many are jumping on the pro-Palestinian bandwagon at this time is because we’re forgetting the barbaric/horrific things that Hamas did 60 days ago.  He described what they did as an animalistic attack that’s demonic in its nature.

As proof, Jim presented audio clips.  One is from State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller, who responded to the raping of Israeli women by Hamas as a weapon of war.  The other was from Jimmy Pacheco.  Before being taken hostage, he was living in a Kibbutz as a caretaker for an elderly man who had been immediately killed by Hamas.

As this broadcast progressed, Dr. Schmidt commented on the following:

V.P. Kamala Harris and her statements concerning Israel’s right to defend itself and how she and the president see Israel’s responsibility to Palestinian citizens.

What the IDF is doing about the Hamas tunnel system. 

How the IDF communicated with Palestinians to help save lives. 

The Arrow missile system that shot down a ballistic missile in outer space.  Is this officially the first space battle? 

The games being taught to young Palestinian children. 

Antisemitism on university campuses. 

The FBI’s Christopher Wray and his warning for the United States. 

      …and much more! 

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Israel’s Five-Way War

Date: December 6, 2023 Host: Jim Schneider ​Guest: Pastor Jim Scudder, Jr. MP3 | Order

As Israel’s war against Hamas rages, we continue to see pro-Hamas/pro-Palestinian uprisings around the world and in the U.S.  Through all this the media has been all too willing to bow to the narrative presented by the enemies of Israel, even blaming Israel for bombing a hospital and carrying out the October 7th attack on their own people.

Pastor Jim Scudder Jr. just returned from Israel to document the story.  Jim is pastor of Quentin Road Baptist Church in Lake Zurich, Illinois. He’s an author and is speaker on the program InGrace which airs both on WVCY Television and on the VCY America Radio Network and on other facilities across the country.

Having led so many trips to Israel, Pastor Scudder felt compelled to go back and see first-hand, what was taking place.  While there, he wanted to document what he experienced and come back and present the true story, in contrast to America’s media, which he believes is slanted against Israel.

You’ll hear about his experience flying in, why he believes this is a five-way war, his ride with an ambulance driver (Why this driver doesn’t wear a seat belt!), audio clips from his experience, information on the InGrace bookmark to show your support for Israel, how you can see the finished TV program of the trip and more.

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